Brand Assets

These are some the key puzzle pieces, that when put together, make up the Storj brand.


Never alter the logo or colors, change positions, or add to the logo in any way. Always ensure the logo is clearly visible.

PR Assets

Use these images to represent Storj in press releases, articles, or other media where Storj is being mentioned.


Avoid using colors or gradients that aren’t in the Storj palette. Always lean on Storj Blue as the primary brand color.


Use the Inter font family when representing the Storj brand in the extra bold and light weights. An acceptable alternate font is Helvetica Neue.
Do these awesome things

Use the complete Storj logo in full color whenever possible.

Use the Storj mark to advertise that your product integrates with Storj.

Use the mark or logo in blog posts and news articles about Storj.

Use the Storj mark or logo on solid color, light backgrounds

Use visuals provided here to help communicate what we do to your audience.

Please don’t do these things

Don't use the mark by itself other than for profile images.

Don’t modify the Storj logo in any way

Don’t integrate any Storj marks or logos into your own project’s branding

Don’t use our logos over busy photography, illustrations, or other visuals

Don’t use unapproved visuals to represent Storj.

Please contact us

If you'd like to use assets not included on this page, or If you'd like help with brand guidelines, get in touch.

Media inquiries

Naming projects and products

Avoid naming your projects anything that implies Storj’s endorsement. This also applies to domain names.