"The distributed network of Storj helps us focus on future-proofing our globally availability and growth."
Josh Ruff
VP of Software Engineering at Sardius
Ability to affordably enter new regions.
Consistently beats staple providers.
Global distribution eliminates risks.


Sardius faced the challenges of ensuring the video content was available, secure, and reliable. Previously, Sardius stored the data with two different cloud storage providers who race against each other when a video file request initiates. Sardius needed a third cloud storage provider to serve as a data bunker bucket they could rely on, if the other providers went down. 

“We wanted an additional cloud storage provider that could meet our scaling global customer demands and that is distributed. Performance and cost were both big factors while evaluating solutions,” says Josh Love, Principal Engineer, Sardius.

As often when dealing with technology partners, questions arise. Unfortunately, the Sardius team found that some of the existing cloud storage providers did not have the readiness to provide support. 

“Every cloud provider has issues and things that we are figuring out, but it’s like pulling teeth with some providers trying to get them to respond to support inquiries or questions,” says Josh Ruff.


Storj was recommended to the Sardius executive team. After a quick evaluation process, the team agreed to deploy the distributed cloud object storage solution. The Sardius team was impressed by the ease of the Storj integration and personal customer service touch.

“Integration was super easy and the Storj team provided excellent support,” says Josh Ruff.


Sardius quickly tapped into the cost, performance, and global distributed network benefits of partnering with Storj. 

“Storj is the best bang in terms of cost and performance,” explains Josh Ruff. “We saw a huge boost of presence in delivery to our South America audience. The global distribution that Storj helps bring is a big win for Sardius and our customers.”

The Sardius team shares some surprise benefits of deploying Storj. 

“Storj has saved us money without compromising performance, which is a great surprise,” says Josh Love. “Previously we had two cloud storage providers in U.S. buckets, but we found out that Storj is on par with competing with  them. For example, Storj’s performance and reliability in our South American market was a big boost for us. The big win is the increased global distribution across the board that Storj helps deliver.” 

With the Storj partnership in place, Sardius is looking forward to scaling and growing their global reach.

“Storj sets us up nicely for that goal. The distributed network ensures us worry-free performance in that area and that customers will have an easier time uploading and downloading,” says Josh Ruff.  “The distributed network of Storj helps us focus on future-proofing our global availability and growth.”