Fast Media Workflows

Enable rapid ingestion and transfer of large media files, streamlining workflows for maximum efficiency.

Globally Available

Instant, reliable access to your media files from anywhere in the world on the distributed cloud.

Maximize Security

Zero-trust and zero-knowledge with end-to-end encryption ensures your media stays protected.

Minimize Your Costs

Reduce cloud storage expenses by up to 80% compared to AWS, and save time with optimized workflows.

Collaborate on large media files for distributed workflows.

Tyrell empowers customers with innovative end-to-end solutions tailored for broadcast, television production, and live performance. We understand the fast pace and unique pressures of the media and entertainment industry. By combining Tyrell’s solutions for complex workflows with the Storj distributed cloud, we’re advancing the future of media collaboration. Together, we empower you to work confidently with large media files, from any location on the planet, without technology getting in the way.